good morning
good afternoon.
may i come in?
nice to meet you.
thank you.
i’ve enjoyed speaking with you.
that’s my pleasure. it’s been nice talking with you.
well, nice to have been talking to you.
thank you for interview with me. i hope to meet you again.
i think that’s all.
that’s it.
have i answered your question?
thank you for your compliment.
it’s very kind of you to say so.
excuse me, i guess i don’t make myself clear.
do you intend to say that…
do you mean…
does that mean…
if i understand right…
for example,…
let me give you an example.
you see,…
well, the thing is,…
well, you know, er,…
i mean…
oh, let me think for a moment…
well, let me see.
that’s a very big / interesting / difficult question…
um… er…actually…in fact…you see…the thing is… how shall i put it… sort of…
well… it’s like this, you see…theee…ayyy…